
admin 0 2024-07-06



1. 人工智能的历史和发展

2. 人工智能在医疗行业的应用

3. 人工智能在金融领域的应用

4. 机器学习和深度学习技术的原理和应用

5. 自然语言处理技术和虚拟助手的发展

6. 人工智能在智能家居领域的应用

7. 人工智能的伦理和社会影响

8. 人工智能和机器人技术的结合

9. 人工智能在交通领域的应用

10. 人工智能在教育领域的应用



















1. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society: Exploring the ethical, social, and economic implications of advancements.

2. AI in Healthcare: Discussing the potential of AI in revolutionizing healthcare delivery, diagnosis, and treatment.

3. AI and the Future of Work: Examining the role of AI in reshaping industries, job automation, and the need for upskilling.

4. AI and Cybersecurity: Exploring how AI can be used to enhance cybersecurity measures and defend against cyber threats.

5. AI in Education: Discussing the potential of AI in personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and improving educational outcomes.

6. AI and Climate Change: Exploring how AI can be leveraged to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability.

7. AI in Finance: Discussing the impact of AI on financial services, including algorithmic trading, fraud detection, and risk management.

8. AI and Autonomous Vehicles: Examining the advancements in AI technology that are driving the development of self-driving cars and their potential benefits.

9. AI and Ethics: Discussing the ethical considerations and challenges associated with AI, including bias, privacy, and accountability.

10. AI and Creativity: Exploring the intersection of AI and creative industries, such as art, music, and literature, and the potential for AI-generated content.


【1】2-hop Neighbor Class Similarity (2NCS): A graph structural metric indicative of graph neural network performance标题:2跳邻居类相似度(2NCS):表明图形神经网络性能的图形结构指标作者:Andrea Cavallo, Claas Grohnfeldt, Michele Russo, Giulio Lovisotto, Luca Vassio链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13202




Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) achieve state-of-the-art performance on graph-structured data across numerous domains. Their underlying ability to represent nodes as summaries of their vicinities has proven effective for homophilous graphs in particular, in which same-type nodes tend to connect. On heterophilous graphs, in which different-type nodes are likely connected, GNNs perform less consistently, as neighborhood information might be less representative or even misleading. On the other hand, GNN performance is not inferior on all heterophilous graphs, and there is a lack of understanding of what other graph properties affect GNN performance.In this work, we highlight the limitations of the widely used homophily ratio and the recent Cross-Class Neighborhood Similarity (CCNS) metric in estimating GNN performance. To overcome these limitations, we introduce 2-hop Neighbor Class Similarity (2NCS), a new quantitative graph structural property that correlates with GNN performance more strongly and consistently than alternative metrics. 2NCS considers two-hop neighborhoods as a theoretically derived consequence of the two-step label propagation process governing GCN's training-inference process. Experiments on one synthetic and eight real-world graph datasets confirm consistent improvements over existing metrics in estimating the accuracy of GCN- and GAT-based architectures on the node classification task.

【2】Efficient Graph Reconstruction and Representation Using Augmented Persistence Diagrams标题:利用增强的持久性图谱进行高效的图谱重构和表述作者:Brittany Terese Fasy, Samuel Micka, David L. Millman, Anna Schenfisch, Lucia Williams链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13206


Persistent homology is a tool that can be employed to summarize the shape of data by quantifying homological features. When the data is an object in Rd, the (augmented) persistent homology transform ((A)PHT) is a family of persistence diagrams, parameterized by directions in the ambient space. A recent advance in understanding the PHT used the framework of reconstruction in order to find finite a set of directions to faithfully represent the shape, a result that is of both theoretical and practical interest. In this paper, we improve upon this result and present an improved algorithm for graph -- and, more generally one-skeleton -- reconstruction. The improvement comes in reconstructing the edges, where we use a radial binary (multi-)search. The binary search employed takes advantage of the fact that the edges can be ordered radially with respect to a reference plane, a feature unique to graphs.

【3】A Combined Synchronization Index for Grassroots Activism on Social Media标题:社会媒体上基层活动的综合同步指数作者:Lynnette Hui Xian Ng, Kathleen M. Carley链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13221


Social media has provided a citizen voice, giving rise to grassroots collective action, where users deploy a concerted effort to disseminate online narratives and even carry out offline protests. Sometimes these collective action are aided by inorganic synchronization, which arise from bot actors. It is thus important to identify the synchronicity of emerging discourse on social media and the indications of organic/inorganic activity within the conversations. This provides a way of profiling an event for possibility of offline protests and violence. In this study, we build on past definitions of synchronous activity on social media -- simultaneous user action -- and develop a Combined Synchronization Index (CSI) which adopts a hierarchical approach in measuring user synchronicity. We apply this index on six political and social activism events on Twitter and analyzed three action types: synchronicity by hashtag, URL and @mentions.The CSI provides an overall quantification of synchronization across all action types within an event, which allows ranking of a spectrum of synchronicity across the six events. Human users have higher synchronous scores than bot users in most events; and bots and humans exhibits the most synchronized activities across all events as compared to other pairs (i.e., bot-bot and human-human). We further rely on the harmony and dissonance of CSI-Network scores with network centrality metrics to observe the presence of organic/inorganic synchronization. We hope this work aids in investigating synchronized action within social media in a collective manner.

【4】Saliency-Augmented Memory Completion for Continual Learning标题:持续学习的显著性增强记忆完成度作者:Guangji Bai, Chen Ling, Yuyang Gao, Liang Zhao链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13242


Continual Learning is considered a key step toward next-generation Artificial Intelligence. Among various methods, replay-based approaches that maintain and replay a small episodic memory of previous samples are one of the most successful strategies against catastrophic forgetting. However, since forgetting is inevitable given bounded memory and unbounded tasks, how to forget is a problem continual learning must address. Therefore, beyond simply avoiding catastrophic forgetting, an under-explored issue is how to reasonably forget while ensuring the merits of human memory, including 1. storage efficiency, 2. generalizability, and 3. some interpretability. To achieve these simultaneously, our paper proposes a new saliency-augmented memory completion framework for continual learning, inspired by recent discoveries in memory completion separation in cognitive neuroscience. Specifically, we innovatively propose to store the part of the image most important to the tasks in episodic memory by saliency map extraction and memory encoding. When learning new tasks, previous data from memory are inpainted by an adaptive data generation module, which is inspired by how humans complete episodic memory. The module's parameters are shared across all tasks and it can be jointly trained with a continual learning classifier as bilevel optimization. Extensive experiments on several continual learning and image classification benchmarks demonstrate the proposed method's effectiveness and efficiency.

【5】A Posteriori error estimates for Darcy-Forchheimer's problem coupled with the convection-diffusion-reaction equation标题:耦合对流-扩散-反应方程的Darcy-Forchheimer问题的后验误差估计作者:Toni Sayah, Georges Semaan, Faouzi Triki链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13247


In this work we derive a posteriori error estimates for the convection-diffusion-reaction equation coupled with the Darcy-Forchheimer problem by a nonlinear external source depending on the concentration of the fluid. We introduce the variational formulation associated to the problem, and discretize it by using the finite element method. We prove optimal a posteriori errors with two types of calculable error indicators. The first one is linked to the linearization and the second one to the discretization. Then we find upper and lower error bounds under additional regularity assumptions on the exact solutions. Finally, numerical computations are performed to show the effectiveness of the obtained error indicators.

【6】Characterizing and Modeling Control-Plane Traffic for Mobile Core Network标题:移动核心网控制层流量的特征和建模作者:Jiayi Meng, Jingqi Huang, Y. Charlie Hu, Yaron Koral, Xiaojun Lin, Muhammad Shahbaz, Abhigyan Sharma链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13248

摘要:在本文中,我们首先对控制面流量进行了我们所知的第一个深入的特征分析,使用了一个真实世界的LTE移动核心网(MCN)中37325个UE的控制面跟踪采样。我们的分析表明,控制事件在设备类型和UE的时间上表现出明显的多样性。其次,我们研究了被广泛采用于互联网流量建模的传统概率分布是否能对源自单个UE的控制面流量进行建模。我们的分析表明,控制事件的到达时间以及蜂窝网络中EMM和ECM的UE状态的停留时间不能被建模为泊松过程或其他传统的概率分布。我们进一步表明,这些模型不能捕捉控制面流量的原因是由于其较高的突发性和比传统模型更长的累积分布尾巴。第三,我们为UE集群提出了一个基于半马尔可夫模型的自适应集群方案的两级分层状态机器流量模型,以捕捉移动网络控制面流量的关键特征--特别是每个UE产生的事件之间的依赖性,以及UE之间设备类型和时间的多样性。最后,我们展示了我们的模型如何能够很容易地从LTE调整到5G,以支持5G控制面流量的建模,当5G UE的大量控制面跟踪可用于训练调整后的模型。我们开发的LTE/5G网络控制面流量生成器已向研究界开放,以支持高性能MCN架构设计研发。

In this paper, we first carry out to our knowledge the first in-depth characterization of control-plane traffic, using a real-world control-plane trace for 37,325 UEs sampled at a real-world LTE Mobile Core Network (MCN). Our analysis shows that control events exhibit significant diversity in device types and time-of-day among UEs. Second, we study whether traditional probability distributions that have been widely adopted for modeling Internet traffic can model the control-plane traffic originated from individual UEs. Our analysis shows that the inter-arrival time of the control events as well as the sojourn time in the UE states of EMM and ECM for the cellular network cannot be modeled as Poisson processes or other traditional probability distributions. We further show that the reasons that these models fail to capture the control-plane traffic are due to its higher burstiness and longer tails in the cumulative distribution than the traditional models. Third, we propose a two-level hierarchical state-machine-based traffic model for UE clusters derived from our adaptive clustering scheme based on the Semi-Markov Model to capture key characteristics of mobile network control-plane traffic -- in particular, the dependence among events generated by each UE, and the diversity in device types and time-of-day among UEs. Finally, we show how our model can be easily adjusted from LTE to 5G to support modeling 5G control-plane traffic, when the sizable control-plane trace for 5G UEs becomes available to train the adjusted model. The developed control-plane traffic generator for LTE/5G networks is open-sourced to the research community to support high-performance MCN architecture design R&D.

【7】Robust computation of optimal transport by β-potential regularization标题:通过β-势能正则化对最佳运输进行稳健计算作者:Shintaro Nakamura, Han Bao, Masashi Sugiyama链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13251


Optimal transport (OT) has become a widely used tool in the machine learning field to measure the discrepancy between probability distributions. For instance, OT is a popular loss function that quantifies the discrepancy between an empirical distribution and a parametric model. Recently, an entropic penalty term and the celebrated Sinkhorn algorithm have been commonly used to approximate the original OT in a computationally efficient way. However, since the Sinkhorn algorithm runs a projection associated with the Kullback-Leibler divergence, it is often vulnerable to outliers. To overcome this problem, we propose regularizing OT with the \beta-potential term associated with the so-called β-divergence, which was developed in robust statistics. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the β-potential can prevent the mass from being transported to outliers. We experimentally demonstrate that the transport matrix computed with our algorithm helps estimate a probability distribution robustly even in the presence of outliers. In addition, our proposed method can successfully detect outliers from a contaminated dataset

【8】DSI2I: Dense Style for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation标题:DSI2I: 非配对图像到图像翻译的密集风格作者:Baran Ozaydin, Tong Zhang, Sabine Susstrunk, Mathieu Salzmann链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13253


Unpaired exemplar-based image-to-image (UEI2I) translation aims to translate a source image to a target image domain with the style of a target image exemplar, without ground-truth input-translation pairs. Existing UEI2I methods represent style using either a global, image-level feature vector, or one vector per object instance/class but requiring knowledge of the scene semantics. Here, by contrast, we propose to represent style as a dense feature map, allowing for a finer-grained transfer to the source image without requiring any external semantic information. We then rely on perceptual and adversarial losses to disentangle our dense style and content representations, and exploit unsupervised cross-domain semantic correspondences to warp the exemplar style to the source content. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on two datasets using standard metrics together with a new localized style metric measuring style similarity in a class-wise manner. Our results evidence that the translations produced by our approach are more diverse and closer to the exemplars than those of the state-of-the-art methods while nonetheless preserving the source http://content.In this attention paper, we present causal drug discovery as the craft of creating models that ground the process of drug discovery in causal reasoning.

【9】Improved Laguerre Spectral Methods with Less Round-off Errors and Better Stability标题:改进的拉盖尔光谱方法,舍弃误差小,稳定性好作者:Shenghe Huang, Haijun Yu链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13255


Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal polynomials defined on positive half line with respect to weight e−x. They have wide applications in scientific and engineering computations. However, the exponential growth of Laguerre polynomials of high degree makes it hard to apply them to complicated systems that need to use large numbers of Laguerre bases. In this paper, we introduce modified three-term recurrence formula to reduce the round-off error and to avoid overflow and underflow issues in generating generalized Laguerre polynomials and Laguerre functions. We apply the improved Laguerre methods to solve an elliptic equation defined on the half line. More than one thousand Laguerre bases are used in this application and meanwhile accuracy close to machine precision is achieved. The optimal scaling factor of Laguerre methods are studied and found to be independent of number of quadrature points in two cases that Laguerre methods have better convergence speeds than mapped Jacobi methods.

【10】Codes for Load Balancing in TCAMs: Size Analysis标题:TCAM中负载平衡的代码:尺寸分析作者:Yaniv Sadeh, Ori Rottenstreich, Haim Kaplan链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.13256


Traffic splitting is a required functionality in networks, for example for load balancing over paths or servers, or by the source's access restrictions. The capacities of the servers (or the number of users with particular access restrictions) determine the sizes of the parts into which traffic should be split. A recent approach implements traffic splitting within the ternary content addressable memory (TCAM), which is often available in switches. It is important to reduce the amount of memory allocated for this task since TCAMs are power consuming and are often also required for other tasks such as classification and routing. Recent works suggested algorithms to compute a smallest implementation of a given partition in the longest prefix match (LPM) model. In this paper we analyze properties of such minimal representations and prove lower and upper bounds on their size. The upper bounds hold for general TCAMs, and we also prove an additional lower-bound for general TCAMs. We also analyze the expected size of a representation, for uniformly random ordered partitions. We show that the expected representation size of a random partition is at least half the size for the worst-case partition, and is linear in the number of parts and in the logarithm of the size of the address space.

【11】Prototype-guided Cross-task Knowledge Distillation for Large-scale Models

标题:原型指导下的大规模模型的跨任务知识提炼作者:Deng Li, Aming Wu, Yahong Han, Qi Tian



Recently, large-scale pre-trained models have shown their advantages in many tasks. However, due to the huge computational complexity and storage requirements, it is challenging to apply the large-scale model to real scenes. A common solution is knowledge distillation which regards the large-scale model as a teacher model and helps to train a small student model to obtain a competitive performance. Cross-task Knowledge distillation expands the application scenarios of the large-scale pre-trained model. Existing knowledge distillation works focus on directly mimicking the final prediction or the intermediate layers of the teacher model, which represent the global-level characteristics and are task-specific. To alleviate the constraint of different label spaces, capturing invariant intrinsic local object characteristics (such as the shape characteristics of the leg and tail of the cattle and horse) plays a key role. Considering the complexity and variability of real scene tasks, we propose a Prototype-guided Cross-task Knowledge Distillation (ProC-KD) approach to transfer the intrinsic local-level object knowledge of a large-scale teacher network to various task scenarios. First, to better transfer the generalized knowledge in the teacher model in cross-task scenarios, we propose a prototype learning module to learn from the essential feature representation of objects in the teacher model. Secondly, for diverse downstream tasks, we propose a task-adaptive feature augmentation module to enhance the features of the student model with the learned generalization prototype features and guide the training of the student model to improve its generalization ability. The experimental results on various visual tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for large-scale model cross-task knowledge distillation scenes.

【12】Advancements in Biometric Technology with Artificial Intelligence

标题:人工智能在生物识别技术方面的进步作者:Lakshmipathi Devaraj, Konark Modi



Authentication plays a significant part in dealing with security in public and private sectors such as healthcare systems, banking system, transportation system and law and security. Biometric technology has grown quickly recently, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence and identity. Formerly, authentication process has depended on security measures like passcodes, identity fobs, and fingerprints. On the other hand, as just a consequence of these precautions, theft has increased in frequency. In response, biometric security was created, in which the identification of a person is based on features derived from the physiological and behavioral traits of a human body using biometric system. Biometric technology gadgets are available to the public as they are embedded on computer systems, electronic devices, mobile phones, and other consumer electronics. As the fraudulent is increasing demand and use of biometric electronic devices has increased. As a consequence, it may be possible to confirm a person's distinct identification. The goal of this study is to examine developments in biometric systems in the disciplines of medicine and engineering. The study will present the perspectives and different points of view of the secondary data, highlighting the need for more in-depth understanding and application of biometric technology to promote its development in the digital era. The study's findings may inspire people and businesses to more effectively incorporate biometric technologies in order to reduce the risks to data and identity security.


1956年夏季,年轻的明斯基与数学家和计算机专家麦卡锡(John MeCarthy,1927—2011)等10人在达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College办了一个长达2个月的人工智能夏季研讨会,认真热烈地讨论用机器模拟人类智能的问题。会上正式使用了人工智能(artificial intelligence,即 AI)这一术语。








1.机械姬 Ex-Machina (2014)

小说家兼编剧Alex Garland的第一部剧情长片《机械姬》《Ex Machina》罕见地背离了这一趋势,广受欢迎。



2.银翼杀手 Blade Runner (1982)




黑客帝国系列The Matrix Series


3.黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999)


这也适用于我们这些被动地吃着政府的公司-政治关系生产的催眠pap的顾客。这个梗是“红色药丸和蓝色药丸”。似乎任何关于“现实”的辩论——或者任何阴谋论者的博客——都无法深入讨论网络时代诞生时《黑客帝国》带给流行文化的神圣药丸。Slavoj Žižek开玩笑地说,他想要的是第三种药丸,它揭示了幻觉中的现实,而不是背景。

未来惊悚片《黑客帝国》(The Matrix)以亚洲武术为基础,引入了惊险的“子弹时间”动作镜头,尽管如此,它仍然是一部令人兴奋和困惑的艺术作品。

4.黑客帝国重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)


5.黑客帝国革命The Matrix Revolutions (2003)


6.2001 太空漫游 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

关于人工智能最著名的电影之一是《2001太空漫游》《2001:A Space Odyssey》,阅读本文的每个人都应该将其标记为必看影片。曾执导过《闪灵》和《发条橙》的斯坦利·库布里克执导了这部电影。



其余的人类角色基本上都是跑龙场的,除了威廉·西尔维斯特(William Sylvester),他扮演的科学家宣布了一项探索其他星球上生命可能性的任务。

7.AI 人工智能 AI Artificial Intelligence (2001)

布莱恩·阿尔迪斯的《玩转整个夏天的超级玩具》是斯坦利·库布里克1999年去世前一直计划改编成电影的科幻短篇故事。这个故事的版权后来被史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)获得,他计划继续库布里克最初的设想。《人工智能》是一部关于大卫的电影,他是一个少年赛博人机器人,被创造出来帮助一对夫妇应对生病儿子不在身边的情况,这部电影基于一个尚未实现的概念。大卫是第一个能够感受到人类情感的人,故事围绕着他探索自己到底是谁,以及他是如何成为现在这个样子的真相展开。使用人工智能开发类人系统给观众带来了更深层次的问题,随之而来的是集体责任。

8.她 Her (2013)




9.月球 Moon (2009)

宇航员山姆·贝尔(Sam Bell)在月球上呆了三年,即将结束时,他有了一次独特的亲密经历,他将一种解决了我们星球电力问题的资源包裹送回地球,同时与他的计算机GERTY合作。

在这部人工智能电影中,可能会出现协助维护月球前哨的人工智能“GERTY”。GERTY象征着人工智能的潜力,它可以成为管理设施的资源,也是安慰和友谊的源泉。此外,它还为主角、唯一的团队成员Sam Bell提供了一些陪伴。

在《月球》中,新月球站的内部装饰灵感来自于《2001》飞船,一种小型的、四处移动的HAL 9000,负责运行空间站。

10.终结者 The Terminator (1984)


qq小冰 人工智能