Pivotal 成立于 2013 年 4 月,由 EMC、VMware 和 GE 投资成立,专注于下一代企业级云计算与大数据基础平台,以及下一代应用程序运行框架实现,在敏捷与快速应用程序开发、数据科学、云计算、开放源代码软件、大规模并行处理和实时数据系统领域颇有建树。
Pivotal起源于Rob Mee于1989年创立的Pivotal Labs,该公司总部位于旧金山,专注于快速的互联网风格的软件开发,被称为敏捷编程,发现灵活的、快速迭代的、由测试驱动的软件开发方法,多年来,Pivotal Labs一直被誉为塑造硅谷最有影响力和最有价值公司的软件开发文化。
2012年,Pivotal Labs被EMC公司收购。Pivotal 构建的面向下一代企业级 IT 系统基础平台和服务的框架“Pivotal One”,是业界新的企业级 PaaS标准。
Pivotal One 引入了大量在 EMC 及 VMware 的面向大数据、云计算以及快速应用开发环境工具等在业界具有众多企业用户的成熟产品,并重新构架在新一代的 PaaS 标准 Cloud Foundry 之上,为企业级 IT 系统建设提供相比较于传统企业 IT 系统平台更加快速、高效、安全稳定的运行平台。
adj. 关键的;中枢的;枢轴的
n. 关键事物;中心事物
On this issue, data results play a pivotal role.
pivotal role关键作用;要害作用
adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的
The crucial factor in the formation of this phenomenon is the high cooperation of the people.
The Alaska Purchase Treaty of 1867 marked a significant turning point in the history of the United States. This landmark agreement, signed between the United States and the Russian Empire, paved the way for the acquisition of the vast and resource-rich territory of Alaska, which would later become the 49th state of the Union.
In the mid-19th century, the Russian Empire was facing increasing financial and political challenges, and the maintenance of its North American colonies had become a significant burden. Recognizing the strategic importance of Alaska, the Russian government sought to sell the territory to a more capable and resourceful power. The United States, under the leadership of President Andrew Johnson, saw this as an opportunity to expand its influence and secure a foothold in the Pacific Northwest.
The negotiations leading up to the Alaska Purchase Treaty were complex and delicate. Both the United States and Russia had their own interests and concerns to address. The American team, led by Secretary of State William H. Seward, recognized the immense potential of Alaska and its strategic location, while the Russian representatives sought to obtain the best possible price for the territory.
After months of intense negotiations, the two parties reached an agreement. The United States agreed to pay the sum of $7.2 million (equivalent to approximately $125 million in today's dollars) for the acquisition of Alaska, a price that many considered a bargain at the time.
The Alaska Purchase Treaty was ratified by the United States Senate in 1867, and the transfer of the territory was completed later that year. The acquisition of Alaska marked a significant expansion of American territory and solidified the country's position as a growing global power.
The purchase of Alaska had far-reaching consequences. It provided the United States with access to valuable natural resources, including timber, minerals, and fisheries, and opened up new opportunities for economic development and exploration. The territory also played a crucial role in the country's strategic and military planning, as it offered a strategic location for the defense of the Pacific Northwest.
Today, the Alaska Purchase Treaty is widely regarded as one of the most significant diplomatic achievements in American history. It not only expanded the country's geographical boundaries but also strengthened its economic and geopolitical influence on the global stage.
Thank you for reading this article on the Alaska Purchase Treaty of 1867. By understanding the historical context and the significance of this landmark agreement, we can better appreciate the pivotal role it played in shaping the course of American history.
The Louisiana Purchase is a landmark event in the history of the United States, but it also holds significant importance in the context of Spanish-American relations. In 1803, the United States acquired the vast Louisiana territory from France, a move that not only expanded the young nation's borders but also had far-reaching implications for the balance of power in the region.
From the Spanish perspective, the Louisiana Purchase was a complex and multifaceted event. As the colonial power that had previously controlled the region, Spain viewed the transfer of Louisiana to the United States with a mix of concern and strategic calculation. The Spanish had long considered the Mississippi River and the surrounding territories as crucial to their interests in the Americas, and the prospect of a growing American presence in the region posed a potential threat to their influence.
However, Spain's own position in the region was not without its challenges. The Spanish colonial empire was facing increasing pressure from both internal and external forces, and the Louisiana territory had become a significant financial burden. In this context, the Spanish government may have seen the sale of Louisiana to the United States as a pragmatic solution, allowing them to focus their resources on other priorities while maintaining a degree of influence in the region through diplomatic and economic means.
The aftermath of the Louisiana Purchase was marked by a complex web of diplomatic maneuvering between the United States, Spain, and other European powers. The Spanish government, while acknowledging the legality of the transaction, sought to maintain its influence in the region and protect its remaining colonial holdings in the Americas.
Negotiations between the United States and Spain over the precise boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase and the status of Spanish-controlled territories in the region continued for several years. These discussions were often tense and fraught with competing interests, as both nations sought to secure their strategic and economic advantages in the region.
The Louisiana Purchase and its diplomatic aftermath had a lasting impact on the relationship between the United States and Spain. The event highlighted the shifting balance of power in the Americas and the growing influence of the United States as a regional and global player. It also underscored the importance of the Mississippi River and the surrounding territories to the strategic and economic interests of both nations.
Today, the legacy of the Louisiana Purchase continues to shape the geopolitical landscape of the region, with the United States and Spain maintaining a complex and multifaceted relationship that reflects the enduring significance of this pivotal moment in history.
Thank you for reading this article on the Louisiana Purchase and its impact on Spanish-American relations. By understanding the historical context and the diplomatic complexities surrounding this event, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the forces that have shaped the modern world.
The Louisiana Purchase was a landmark event in the history of the United States, marking a significant expansion of the country's territory and solidifying its position as a growing global power. This historic land acquisition, which took place in 1803, has had lasting implications for the development and growth of the United States. In this article, we will explore the key reasons behind the Louisiana Purchase and its far-reaching consequences.
The primary motivation behind the Louisiana Purchase was the strategic and economic importance of the Mississippi River and the port city of New Orleans. The Mississippi River was a vital waterway for the transportation of goods and the economic development of the western regions of the United States. The port of New Orleans, located at the mouth of the Mississippi, was a crucial hub for the export of agricultural products and the import of manufactured goods.
Prior to the Louisiana Purchase, the Louisiana territory, which encompassed a vast swath of land west of the Mississippi River, was controlled by France. This posed a significant challenge for the United States, as it limited American access to the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans. The U.S. government, led by President Thomas Jefferson, recognized the importance of securing control over this strategic region to ensure the continued economic growth and prosperity of the young nation.
In 1803, President Jefferson dispatched a team of negotiators, led by James Monroe and Robert Livingston, to France to negotiate the purchase of the Louisiana territory. The negotiations were complicated by the ongoing tensions between the United States and France, as well as the broader geopolitical landscape of the time.
Ultimately, the negotiations resulted in a deal that saw the United States acquire the Louisiana territory for the sum of $15 million, which was equivalent to about $0.04 per acre. This was a remarkable bargain, as the Louisiana territory encompassed over 800,000 square miles of land, doubling the size of the United States and providing access to the vital Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans.
The Louisiana Purchase had far-reaching consequences for the United States. It not only expanded the country's geographical boundaries but also had a profound impact on its economic, political, and social development. The acquisition of the Louisiana territory opened up vast new lands for settlement and agricultural development, fueling the westward expansion of the United States and the growth of its population.
The Louisiana Purchase also had significant implications for the balance of power in North America. By securing control over the Louisiana territory, the United States effectively pushed back the influence of European powers, such as France and Spain, in the region. This solidified the United States' position as a dominant force in the continent and laid the foundation for its eventual rise as a global superpower.
Furthermore, the Louisiana Purchase had a lasting impact on the political and social fabric of the United States. The acquisition of the Louisiana territory reignited debates over the role of the federal government and the limits of its power, as well as the issue of slavery and its expansion into new territories.
In conclusion, the Louisiana Purchase was a pivotal moment in the history of the United States, marking a significant expansion of the country's territory and solidifying its position as a growing global power. The strategic and economic importance of the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans, combined with the foresight and diplomatic skills of President Jefferson and his negotiators, led to this historic land acquisition that continues to shape the trajectory of the United States to this day.
Thank you for reading this article on the Louisiana Purchase. By understanding the key motivations and consequences of this landmark event, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the formative years of the United States and the factors that contributed to its growth and development as a nation.
The establishment of the First Finance Commission of India in 1951 marked a significant milestone in the country's journey towards fiscal federalism and equitable resource distribution. This pioneering body was tasked with the crucial responsibility of determining the principles that would govern the sharing of financial resources between the Union government and the states.
The First Finance Commission was constituted under the provisions of Article 280 of the Indian Constitution, which empowered the President to appoint such a commission to make recommendations on the distribution of financial resources between the Union and the states. The commission's mandate was to examine and make recommendations on the following key aspects:
The First Finance Commission was chaired by K.C. Neogy, a distinguished civil servant and economist. The commission's members included eminent personalities from diverse backgrounds, such as V.K.R.V. Rao, an economist, and B.K. Nehru, a senior civil servant.
The commission adopted a comprehensive and analytical approach to its task, conducting extensive research and consultations with various stakeholders, including the Union government and the state governments. It sought to develop a set of principles that would ensure a fair and equitable distribution of financial resources, taking into account factors such as population, area, revenue capacity, and the special needs of the states.
The First Finance Commission submitted its report in 1952, making several key recommendations that laid the foundation for India's fiscal federalism. Some of the notable recommendations included:
The implementation of the First Finance Commission's recommendations had a profound impact on the fiscal landscape of India. It paved the way for a more equitable and transparent system of resource sharing, which has continued to evolve through the work of subsequent Finance Commissions over the decades.
In conclusion, the First Finance Commission of India played a pivotal role in shaping the country's fiscal federalism and ensuring a more balanced and inclusive development across the states. Its legacy continues to guide the ongoing efforts to strengthen the financial autonomy and fiscal capacity of India's states and local governments.
The Gadsden Purchase was a significant event in the history of American westward expansion, marking a crucial step in the country's territorial growth. This land acquisition, which took place in 1853, added over 29,000 square miles of land to the United States, encompassing parts of what is now southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico.
In the mid-19th century, the United States was actively pursuing a policy of Manifest Destiny, which advocated for the country's expansion across the North American continent. This expansionist ideology was driven by a belief in the inherent right and destiny of the United States to control the entirety of the continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
The Gadsden Purchase was a strategic move to secure a vital transportation corridor, known as the Southern Emigrant Route, which connected the American Southwest to the Pacific Coast. This route was essential for the movement of people, goods, and resources, and its control was seen as crucial for the economic and military interests of the United States.
The Gadsden Purchase was negotiated by James Gadsden, a South Carolina railroad entrepreneur and diplomat, who was sent by President Franklin Pierce to Mexico to acquire the desired land. After lengthy negotiations, Gadsden was able to secure the purchase of the land for $10 million, a relatively small sum compared to the strategic importance of the territory.
The acquisition of the Gadsden Purchase was not without controversy, however. Some critics argued that the United States was taking advantage of Mexico's weakened position following the Mexican-American War, while others questioned the necessity of the purchase, given the existing transportation routes through the northern states.
The Gadsden Purchase had far-reaching implications for the United States. It not only expanded the country's territorial reach but also provided a critical transportation corridor that facilitated the movement of people, goods, and resources across the American Southwest. This, in turn, contributed to the economic and military dominance of the United States in the region, as well as the further development of the American West.
Additionally, the Gadsden Purchase played a significant role in the ongoing debate over the expansion of slavery in the United States. The acquisition of this land reignited discussions about the balance of power between slave-holding and non-slave-holding states, ultimately contributing to the growing tensions that would eventually lead to the American Civil War.
In conclusion, the Gadsden Purchase was a pivotal moment in American history, marking a significant step in the country's westward expansion and the consolidation of its power and influence in the region. This land acquisition had far-reaching consequences, both geopolitical and domestic, that continue to shape the history and development of the United States to this day.
Thank you for reading this article on the Gadsden Purchase. By understanding the historical context and significance of this event, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and multifaceted nature of American westward expansion and the ongoing debates that have shaped the country's development.
The Alaska Purchase, also known as the Seward's Folly, was a significant event in American history that occurred on March 30, 1867. On this day, the United States government, under the leadership of Secretary of State William H. Seward, purchased the territory of Alaska from the Russian Empire for the sum of $7.2 million, which was equivalent to about $125 million in today's currency.
The acquisition of Alaska was a strategic move by the United States to expand its territorial reach and secure its position in the North Pacific region. At the time, the Russian Empire was struggling to maintain control over its vast and remote territories, and the sale of Alaska presented an opportunity for the U.S. to gain a foothold in the region.
The purchase of Alaska was not without its critics, however. Many Americans at the time viewed the acquisition as a waste of money, and the deal was derisively referred to as "Seward's Folly." Nevertheless, the long-term benefits of the Alaska Purchase have become increasingly apparent over time.
The Alaska Purchase had significant economic and geopolitical implications for the United States. The territory was rich in natural resources, including gold, oil, and timber, which helped to fuel the country's economic growth in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Additionally, the acquisition of Alaska provided the U.S. with a strategic advantage in the North Pacific, allowing it to project its power and influence in the region.
The purchase of Alaska also had important implications for the country's relationship with other world powers, particularly Russia and Canada. The acquisition of Alaska helped to solidify the United States' position as a major player on the global stage and contributed to its emergence as a world power in the 20th century.
The Alaska Purchase has had a lasting impact on the United States and its history. The territory has become an integral part of the country, contributing to its economic and geopolitical strength. Today, Alaska is known for its vast natural resources, stunning landscapes, and unique cultural heritage, and it continues to play a vital role in the country's future.
In conclusion, the Alaska Purchase of 1867 was a pivotal moment in American history that has had far-reaching consequences. The acquisition of this vast and resource-rich territory has shaped the country's economic and geopolitical trajectory, and its legacy continues to be felt to this day. As we reflect on this important event, we can appreciate the foresight and vision of those who recognized the strategic value of Alaska and the impact it would have on the United States.
Thank you for reading this article. By understanding the significance of the Alaska Purchase, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the historical events that have shaped the United States and its role in the world.
The Alaska purchase in 1867 was a landmark event in American history, with far-reaching implications that continue to shape the nation today. This strategic acquisition of the vast and resource-rich territory of Alaska from the Russian Empire not only expanded the geographical boundaries of the United States but also had profound political, economic, and cultural consequences that have endured for over a century.
In the mid-19th century, the United States was a growing nation, eager to expand its influence and secure its position on the global stage. The Alaska purchase was a result of a complex interplay of geopolitical, economic, and diplomatic factors. Russia, facing financial constraints and concerns about the vulnerability of its North American territories, sought to sell Alaska to the United States, which was eager to prevent the territory from falling into the hands of a rival power, such as Britain.
The negotiations between the United States and Russia were led by Secretary of State William H. Seward, who recognized the strategic and economic value of Alaska. After months of deliberation, the two nations reached an agreement, with the United States purchasing the territory for the sum of $7.2 million, which is equivalent to approximately $125 million in today's dollars.
The Alaska purchase had a profound impact on the United States, both in the short and long term. Some of the key significance of this historic event include:
The Alaska purchase remains a significant event in American history, with its impact still felt today. The territory's strategic location, abundant natural resources, and diverse cultural heritage have all contributed to the United States' growth and development over the past century and a half.
As we reflect on the Alaska purchase, we can appreciate the foresight and vision of the leaders who recognized the immense potential of this vast and resource-rich land. The acquisition of Alaska not only expanded the physical boundaries of the United States but also opened up new frontiers for exploration, settlement, and economic prosperity, ultimately shaping the nation we know today.
Thank you for reading this article on the significance of the Alaska purchase. By understanding the historical context and the lasting impact of this pivotal event, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the evolution of the United States and the factors that have contributed to its growth and global influence.
Raphael, born Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, is regarded as one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance. His artistic talent and contributions continue to inspire generations of artists and art enthusiasts alike. To understand the mastery of his craft, it is essential to delve into Raphael's education, which played a crucial role in shaping his artistic style and legacy.
Raphael was born on April 6, 1483, in the small Italian town of Urbino. His father, Giovanni Santi, was a well-known painter, and it is believed that Raphael received his initial artistic training from his father in his early years. However, his education took a more formal turn when he became an apprentice to the renowned artist Pietro Perugino at the age of 17.
Under Perugino's guidance, Raphael refined his painting techniques and developed a keen eye for detail and composition. He learned the principles of perspective and the use of colors and light to create depth and realism in his works. This period of apprenticeship marked a significant milestone in Raphael's artistic journey, shaping his style and laying the foundation for his future success.
During his time in Perugino's workshop, Raphael had the opportunity to study the works of other renowned artists, which further enriched his artistic education. He immersed himself in the art of his predecessors, particularly the works of fellow Italian masters such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Raphael deeply admired Leonardo's mastery of the human form and his ability to capture emotion in his paintings. He studied Leonardo's anatomical drawings and incorporated the principles of realistic human representation into his own works. Similarly, Raphael was inspired by Michelangelo's grandeur and monumental style, incorporating elements of his dramatic compositions into his own paintings.
In 1508, at the age of 25, Raphael moved to Rome, a city that would become the center of his artistic career. It was during his time in Rome that he gained recognition for his exceptional talent and secured a series of significant commissions from the Catholic Church, specifically from Pope Julius II.
Raphael's educational journey continued in Rome as he immersed himself in the city's rich artistic environment. He studied classical architecture and sculpture, drawing inspiration from ancient Roman and Greek works. His exploration of ancient art further refined his understanding of proportion, balance, and harmony, which he skillfully incorporated into his own art.
Raphael's education played a pivotal role in shaping his artistic style and achievements. His ability to combine the grace and beauty of the Renaissance era with classical elements set him apart as a truly unique artist. His works, such as "The School of Athens" and "The Sistine Madonna," continue to captivate audiences with their technical brilliance and emotional depth.
Raphael's influence on subsequent generations of artists cannot be overstated. His mastery of composition and his emphasis on harmony and balance in his works became hallmarks of the High Renaissance style. Artists such as Titian and Rubens were among the many who drew inspiration from Raphael's artistry.
In conclusion, Raphael's education, which encompassed early training with his father, an apprenticeship with Perugino, and the extensive study of the works of other masters, played a pivotal role in shaping his artistic style and legacy. His contributions to the art world continue to be celebrated and appreciated, making him an enduring figure in the history of art.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article on Raphael's education. Understanding the education and influences that shaped an artist's career allows us to appreciate their artistic achievements on a deeper level. We hope this article has provided valuable insights into Raphael's journey and the impact of his education.